on one of the links above for transcripts with scans of letterheads, postcards and
topical links.
Letter number 4.
[5 pages - 3 hotel letterheads and 2 obverse plus
one blank letterhead with names of buildings and position of hotel suite
rooms indicated - postmarked '10 Sp 24' Marine Post Office, NZ RMS Tahiti
to Mr C. A. Gracie, The Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Ltd, Wagga
Wagga, NSW Australia]
Hotel Whitcomb
San Francisco, Calif 9th Sept 1924
Dear Mother, We are well and truly on land at last and having a great
time. After a rotten trip of bad weather and no lively passengers we finally
came ashore at San Fran at about four p.m. on Friday last and came straight
to the above address.
After a clean up we visited the main street of the City or rather should
I say part of it as this Street, Market, is 4½ miles long.
She sure is some place and as I have not three or four days to spare
at present to write about all I have so far seen I will tabulate them
here and explain in detail on my return.
On Friday night we visited Chinatown which is a fine place in this city
and then after a walk about retired for the night. We made a late start
of Saturday as we did not arise until 9am and then had to get our laundry
ready and that was a big job after our three weeks travelling then down
town to see the sights- wandered around all day part of the night trying
to get our bearings in such an immense place. On Sunday we made an early
start for Oakland on the other side of the Bay. Starting with a streetcar
ride from the pub to the Ferry thence by boat and then in to 12th Street
Oakland by electric train. The fares for the whole trip return was 28¢
or 1/2 in our money at par. This City is nearly as big as 'Frisco which
has a population of 600,000. The population around the Bay is about 2
On our return to Frisco we saw a picture show, had tea and saw another.
It seems strange to see business going on Sunday but the residents only
have three watchwords. Grow quick, get rich quick and die quick. The greatest
of the three is the middle one and they live up to it hard.
Some of the banks keep open all day and all night and advertise the fact
with electric signs. Only one thing talks here and that is the almighty
The cafeterias are great fun here. You wait on yourself have anything
you can reach from the shelves and pay accordingly. First you take a tray
and knife, fork etc. Then set out on the foraging party and eat it after
having first had your dinner priced by a lassie who gives you a ticket
from a machine and then when the inner man is satisfied you pay on leaving
and the stuff one eats is truly amazing. Fancy having buckwheat cakes
with maple syrup served with your pork sausage in the morning and its
goodo. But the unbroken rule throughout all the eating houses and Sundaes
shops is a glass of iced water first. No matter what your have ice cream,
ginger beer or dinner it is always started with iced water.
10/9/24 up at 7am to finish this as the Tahiti returns today and we are
seeing it out so will post this on board. We are going down to see Boy
Charlton off.
To return to the story, however on Monday we made arrangements for our
trip onward in the morning and in the afternoon west sightseeing in a
car but what a car it was as it held 25 and was beautifully finished and
did 40 per hour without one knowing it. We saw the Presias (military reserve)
Cliff House, Seal Rocks, Golden Gate and G. Gate Park on the Twin Peaks
1200 feet above sea level. from which a great view of Frisco is obtained
and then on to the old Mission Church and thence via Market Street home.
At night we intended writing letters but a far distant relation of Bill's
had been chasing us all over the City (6 Hotels) and had called 5 times
here when we were out, finally found us at home so we were invited out
for the evening to Oakland reaching their home at about 8.30pm we talked
for awhile and they then took us for a spin in their bus through the business
part of Oakland seeing the big radio station, General Electric Station
KGO, Chevrolet works Derrant and Star works and then back to catch the
train home.
They are very nice people and we were sorry we did not meet them earlier.
Yesterday we did another sightseeing trip of 112 miles seeing the world
I thought. We started from town crossed the Bay to Oakland throughout
the Millionaires suburbs of Piedmont and Clairmont up to the Greek theatre
Skyline Boulevard of 1000 turns in about 10 miles, both to Clairmont Hotel
for lunch through the Californian University grounds and then on the Standard
Oil Co works crossed the Bay again to San Quenton prison on through the
Main County of beautiful Avenues back to the Golden Gate across the water
and home again at 5.30 when I commenced this letter to you.
Last night we were very tired and after a walk around after dinner retired
to bed early as we have a lot to do today fixing up our trip on. We leave
tomorrow morning 7.30am for Los Angeles arriving 7.30pm stay for four
days and then to Grand Canyon for 1 day Colorado Springs 2 days Denver
1 day Ohamaha 3 hours and Rochester to see the Mayo's re Bill. So from
there I will next write to you as we will most likely be there some time
as it is not very large I will have lots of time.
Bill is very well and is enjoying himself but as we have come over for
a special purpose we are not wasting much time reaching our main destination
and after that we will be free to go where we like. We are not doing Yosemite
Valley as it takes four days at the least and we have not the time to
Of course I am having a great time and as I cannot write at length of
all my doing I am jotting them down in these letter and will talk for
weeks later when I can go into detail.
I am writing to NY today to send our mail to Rochester so we will have
some home news when we arrive.
I have marked our room on the other side of this sheet so you can see
how we are living. We have a big wardrobe of the variety one walks into
and washbasin etc built in with H & C water and a bathroom and toilet
right alongside the latter also with H&C water on tap. Of course we
are paying for it.
Well that is all I think for this time. Please ring Tom for me and tell
him I will write from Rochester as time will not permit from here. Give
him any news you think may interest him. Also the office and tell Mr McDonald
I have not forgotten the lads. I will drop Chas a note.
Hope you are all well.
Love from
Letter number 5.
[Postcard of Cliff House, San Francisco, Cal.]
10/9/24 or as they put it here 9/10/24
Dear Chas,
There is not much time to write as it is on mail time but this will let
you know how I am and also show you. We are having a great time of course
and as we only landed on the evening of 5th my head will burst before
I return with the things I have seen. A 30 mile drive the day this was
taken, Monday, one of 112 miles yesterday and tomorrow we are off to Los
Angeles for 4 days and then by stages to Rochester Minnesota where the
Mayo Bros are and where Bill I hope will get fixed up and from these I
will write more fully. We are both well and enjoying it greatly. Sent
this on to Mother so as she can see her dear son is not yet fading away.
Hope you are well. Your loving brother Gordon.
[superscript:] We were at Cliff House about 10 minutes and this was sold
as we were leaving the place. She sure is some place for speed. |