Rudimentary Family Tree
For the moment, I have only included the names of and relationships between
people mentioned directly on this website.
Harry Gordon Gracie (17 May 1899) married Kath Broome () on
5 Sep 1927. They had four children:
- Nancy;
- Rosemary;
- Bill;
- Mac;
Andrew Byrne (transcriptions) and Richard Byrne (assistant reader) are
children of Nancy (and John Byrne). Kate (assistant reader) is married to Richard.
Rebecca (assistant transcriber) is a daughter of Mac and Elaine's.
Sam Calder (web design etc) is the son of Rosemary (and Michael Calder).
Sally is married to Bill (custodians of the letters for many years).
Enid is not related to the family. She helped around the home
and became a close friend of Harry and Kath's in the latter part of their lives.