Well after the show we adjourned to a very nice little cafe where a lot
of the theatre folk attend and a very nice end was put to a splendid evening.
As it was not early when I went to bed this morning my arrival at the
breakfast table was long delayed and so I have just returned from a walk
around and lunch, to write this letter.
Tonight I hope too see the bright lights of Monte Matre and then to bed
as tomorrow I do the trip around Paris and Versailles and also Eiffel
Tower so must be in good nick for it.
On Monday I leave Paris for a day or two to see over the battlefields
around Arras and Amiens, Cambrai etc and return on Tuesday night so that
will be that. and our Saturday I leave Paris for London and take my trip
la premiere per air as it is my intention to fly to Croydon and then into
London that way. It is a much quicker trip and nicer I hope as I shall
be in London in 3 hours from here whereas it took me 11 the other way.
Well that is all the news so I will close down hoping you are all well,