I have a great time here in the tubes. They are great affairs and much
better cleaner and nicer than the Yanks. Passengers go down to the trains
in lifts + are about 200 feet underground. The system leaves no room for
any person who can read and is intelligent, taking the wrong train and
they sure do move.
Last Saturday we went to see a football match out at
Richmond between Oxford Uni and London Scottish and took the underground
and were there in no time although to take a bus or tram there would
have taken over an hour. Oxford got towelled up ["severely
punished" Glossary
of slang and peculiar terms in use in the AIF, 1921-1924] but
then Pup Raymond was not playing for them
although most of the best players
that day were Rhodes scholars from Aussie and N.Z.
I note Chas brought his girl out to you for approval one night but you
are evidently not over shook on my sister-in-law to be as you did not
give me your idea of her.
I will also bet that the Terrigal party of his did not come off as Bowie
would forget to get his holidays or some other thing that seems characteristic
of that person.
Well that is the lot I can think of so will close this missive up hoping
you both enjoyed the Bulli trip. What did you think of the Pass?
Hoping all well
Love from
[In keeping with the reference on Harry's sightseeing page for New York,
I have to include this link to disused London Underground stations.]