We still have to see the Tower of London and the Mansion House.
The latter is where all the plate etc. of the Royal household
is stored and where
State receptions are held so that should be interesting and we are hoping
to do both of these places this week as on Monday I track Bill to Cornwall
in the morning and I think attend a jazz at the Savoy at night on Tuesday.
[Mansion House has been the home of the Lord Mayor of London
since it was built so it is unlikely the Royal plate was stored there.]
I hope to see over Cambridge Uni or see a footy match between Oxford and
Cambridge and then on Wednesday to go to France.
If possible we are going to see the Sth Kensington Museum but as it was
full of historical relics, Tutankamen [Tutankhamun] recoveries
and Musty books it did
not over impress me as my idea of a museum is a place full of stuffed animals
History of Victorian taxidermy]
and showing different stages of mankind etc. and not filled with
musty books written by some bird who died B.C. and did the deed in a language
as dead as himself.