Well since last I wrote quite a lot of time has been taken up in visiting
Bill but that is now all over and he came out of hospital yesterday morning
and is feeling very well but still a bit weak after his week in bed and
is off the Cornwall on Monday next and leaving me on my own for 10 or
12 days when I shall join him down there after seeing Paris and the battlefields of Flanders and Belgium.
I will then stay in Cornwall for Xmas and N.
Year and come back to London to catch the "Ormonde" on 3rd.
I had quite an interesting afternoon with all the notables at Mme Tussaud's Wax Works
last week and thoroughly enjoyed it as the representations are
really lifelike even to Stanley Bruce, Bill Massey, the heads in the Byswater
case, Bill Tilden and their Majesties in full robes of office.
I think everyone of note in the world is there and lots of the ropes that hanged
some of the said notables also.[Harry would have
been one of the last to have seen many items no longer available,
as Madame Tussaud's was destroyed by fire the following year.]
Another interesting afternoon was spent in the sorting rooms of the London GPO
and it sure is a wonderful place with four basements and 6 floors
where they handle 366 thousand million letters per year. Their machines
for cancelling the stamps on letters handle 300 letters per minute each
and they have lots of them going all the time.