[postmarked London WC ... Nov 27 1924]
Australia House
27th Nov 1924.
Dear Everybody,
This issue is to be for the whole family as I have not time to write
individually or even to two of you. Since last writing I have not received
any mail from Aussie except for Fred's record breaker of 4 pages full
of news for which I thank you.
I am still having a good time of course but Bill is in dock again. Keep
this little lot strictly to the family as I do not want anyone else to
know as should it get back to the Treloar family they may be annoyed.
It is nothing serious but he was not improving as rapidly as he thought
he should and attributed it to the old trouble of his nose and so saw
a specialist here who advised an operation to remove a septum from the
back of his nose that prevented the normal use of his nostrils and the
matter was being swallowed and perhaps poisoning his stomach that way.
He went into a private hospital on Sunday last and was operated on last
Monday morning. He was pretty sick for a couple of days but yesterday
and today has been as fit as possible and a bit better now I think than
ever before and he thinks so too which makes a lot more noise than what
I think as now it is only a matter of his mind over his ailment.
I go twice a day to see him and try to keep him cheered up so that keeps
me going some and leaves little time to write letters as hospitals do
not exist in the heart of London and I have a long way to go to see him.
Excuse the scribble but I still have to write to Mrs Treloar and make
some excuse for Bill not writing.
The fact of not telling them is Bill thinks they will worry and think
he is not as well as he is and he does not want that as in reality he
is nearly right again.