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Regent Palace Hotel Letterhead

[Continuation of previous letter on Regent Palace Hotel stationery single octavo sheet written on both sides. Postmarked London W1 Nov 10th 1924 7.15pm]


This is a continuation I am able to write since landing as the mail does not close until tomorrow.

Well we landed at Southampton yesterday afternoon at about 4pm and were up at this is hotel by 7pm and we stay here until we go on to Paris in about 3 or 4 weeks time. We intend staying there about 8 or 9 days then back to London and down to Cornwall for Xmas. After that back to London and at the beginning of the year I start back for home. Bill may stay longer for a while and come on about May or June.

Today we visited the Palace at Hampton Court and saw quite lot of quite different scenery. It is great to see all those old fashioned buildings with the moss and ivy of centuries all over them and we quite enjoyed the change. The weather of course is bleak and cold but all the people say it was a great day so we are wondering what a bad day is to be like. Tomorrow we start buying our suits and clothes generally getting things squared up. I think we are going to like London best of all the cities as to date we are more than pleased with our reception.

The London police are all they have said about them and more. They are wonderful and most courteous but Oh boy, the women are an awful lot. The beer the ladies in this hamlet consume in a day would keep the whole of Aussie going for a month and they are "ugs" after their American sisters.

Well no more so will close,

Love again



««  SS Homeric Postcard


London - part 2  »»

Last updated : 12 Jan 2006
Links checked : 12 Jan 2006
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