26th Oct 1924
Dear Mother,
I can write faster with the old pencil and so as I had a lot of news
and lots of correspondence to get through I hope you will excuse it.
I posted my last letter from Chicago as I waited for some snaps to be
developed and then enclosed one or two but since then lots has happened.
We left Rochester on the Thursday night and got into Chicago the next
morning - spent the day in looking around the city.
It is some place and
quite easy to find one's way around in.
In the morning we visited
Marshall Field & Co retail store
which is the largest in the world so you can
imagine what it is like in size. They employ 9,000 hands, the building
is 13 stories high with 3 basements and occupies an entire block in the
busiest part of Chicago. They have 9 refreshment rooms continually in
operation and 3 cost price cafes for the employees. They have their own
schoolroom in the building a nursery for patrons kids and music room,
rest rooms of great size and in fact are a complete world in themselves.