We have made good friends with the hotel [arrow
to letter-head] keeper and his wife here and they have given us
a great time during the last week.
On Sunday last they were taking their
daughter (18) back to
college about 75 miles from here and asked us to
come along with them in their care, a big 6 Nash closed in coach
It was
the best corking bus I have yet had the pleasure to ride in.
We left Rochester
about midday and went to their summer home on Lake Zumbro
[Created in 1917-1919 by damming the Zumbro River for hydro-electricity]
for lunch and what a lunch it was.
Cold chicken, duck, dressings, salads, cakes, scones,
etc and then we continued our drive up towards Minneapolis and St Paul.
We reached the college at 4 o'clock and attended an organ recital in the
college chapel at 5 o'clock and then started back for home about 5.45pm
and arrived about 8:10.
It was great trip we both thoroughly enjoyed as
the leaves are now falling from the trees and the colours in the woods
beggar description