[Hotel Campbell, postmarked Chicago Oct ?18 6.30pm]
15th Oct 1924
My dear Mother,
We do not know when the mails go out to Aussie since arriving here so
we are forced to take pot luck and write at intervals.
Since my last letter
I have received yours telling of the Artists Ball. It must have been some
show. I was very pleased to hear that you were all well and that your
cold had completely gone. I have a bit of a one at present be nothing
to worry about, still I am doping it so as to be quite O.K. then I leave
for Chicago tomorrow night. Bill is showing a big improvement and will
be nearly right again I think when we leave this place where everyone
spends their time talking of their ailments.
We expect to be in
New York
in about 10 days time after having seen
Detroit, Buffalo and
Niagara and from there we go on to
England so from now on our address
will be c/o Bank NSW 29 Threadneedle St, London EC but you will have a
wire from the Treloar's saying we have left America.
Well for news I am a bit stuck as nothing much happens in this town of
cripples so this letter needs must be short I think.