We are neither over struck with America and are looking forward to hope
of seeing England in a short time. Their scenery is very fine, their cities
very large and convenient and their people are all only too willing to
explain anything to you and take you about when you come to their home
town. (I am speaking of travelling Americans as I know nothing of the
citizen). but everything in the place is artificial they talk and think
of nothing else but the almighty $
and the shortest way to pack up a stack
of them. There is nothing substantial about the places we have so far
seen. They are all jerry-built homes and buildings put up in quick time.
Well I think that is all the news for this letter so will close and write
again next week if we are here or sooner should we move on.
We are both well. Bill brighter that he has previously been by a long way
while I have put on 5lbs since leaving Sydney.
Hope you are all well at home even to Mack. [We
suspect that Mack was a dog.]
Love from