Oakland (again)
At night we intended writing letters but a far distant relation of Bill's
had been chasing us all over the City (6 Hotels) and had called 5 times
here when we were out, finally found us at home so we were invited out
for the evening to Oakland reaching their home at about 8.30pm we talked
for awhile and they then took us for a spin in their bus through the business
part of Oakland seeing the big radio station, General
Electric Station KGO, Chevrolet works Derrant and Star works and then
back to catch the train home.
They are very nice people and we were sorry we did not meet them earlier.
Piedmont and Clairmont [Claremont]
Yesterday we did another sightseeing trip of 112 miles seeing the world
I thought.
We started from town crossed the Bay to Oakland throughout
the Millionaires suburbs of Piedmont and Clairmont up to the Greek Theater
Skyline Boulevard of 1000 turns in about 10 miles, both to
Clairmont Hotel
for lunch through the Californian University grounds and then on the Standard
Oil Co works crossed the Bay again to San Quentin prison on through the
Main County of beautiful Avenues back to the Golden Gate across the water
and home again at 5.30 when I commenced this letter to you.