Tahiti. 3rd Sept 1924]
At Sea Still
3rd Sept 1924
My dear Mother,
We will be in San Francisco in two days now (Friday 10am) so that is
good news as we are both a bit tired of the boat and looking forward to
a day or two at least on dry land. It is now nine days since we saw the
last palm tree of the wonderful South Seas Islands.
Rarotonga - Cook Islands
To retrace our steps a little. I think the last time I wrote was a day
out from Rarotonga
and it was posted there to catch the boat back in about 2 days so I will
carry on from there and tell you a few of the things that have happened
We first sighted Cook
Islands about midday and anchored off the reef at about 2pm as there
is no harbour there and all copra and fruit comes off the island in surf
boats and these land passengers on the return trip. It is a thrilling
ride as the surf is always fair and a big swell runs. We had a safe trip
and then had our first taste of island life.
Rarotonga is only small but
very pretty and abounds with nigs who all play Ukulele or guitars all
day long even returning from work on the plantations. They are a very
happy crowd and there seems to be no discontent among them. The population
of the island is distributed amongst 4 villages none of any size so we
took a car and toured the island going right around the island in under
1 hr and a half 20 miles so you can imagine it is not very large.
On our
return we looked around the villages and it was then time to return to
the ship as we sailed again at 6.30pm that night on another 3 day stretch
to Papeete on the island of Tahiti and this place I am sure must be wonder
island of the Pacific.